Summer Holidays
in Fieberbrunn at the PillerseeTal
A summer in Tyrol shows many facettes, which cannot be described that easily. It would be best if you give it a go and explore Fieberbrunn and its surrounding area on your own. The Pillersee valley is the perfect holiday region - most of all it means, enjoying nature.
Famous hiking trails within our region lead up to the Steinplatte, Buchensteinwand or the Wildseeloder. But there are not only challenging routes which can be explored - we also offer easy, short trails which are perfect for family trips. 3 cable car services are available during summer season, if you wish to explore the region Kitzbüheler Alps - Pillerseetal in a more convenient way.
Cycling and mountainbiking
Over 500 km of cycling- and mountainbiking routes will give every biking enthusiast a thrill. We offer comfortable bike rides where you can explore the surrounding area, but also challenging mountainbike trips onto mountain peaks. Have a look for yourself and find your perfect trail. You can also take an E-Bike and give it a go - on our cycling- and mountainbiking map you will find recharging stations.
Alpine climbing, fixed rope routes and sports climbing routes - that and much more can be found within the region Kitzbüheler Alps - Pillerseetal. Within our region you can also take part in climbing courses and visit the indoor climbing hall at the Freizeitpark - Family Land Pillerseetal. You can have a look at the numerous climbing routes and toures here.
Motorbiking and Oldtimers
Our region is famous among motorbikers and oldtimer lovers. We offer perfect excursion goals for motorbike tours such as the Großglockner, Zell am See, Hohe Tauern and of course the Kitzbüheler Horn mountain. One of the largest oldtimer events throughout Europe is the Kitzbüheler Alpenrallye, which takes place every June.
Family Holidays
At the Pillersee valley in Tyrol you will find a great number of events- and leisure time activities. We also offer a weekly children's program with supervision - the TATZI club. Our excursion goals can also be looked on our website.
Jakobskreuz - a marvellous excursion goal Children play at the river Mountainbiking Tour Climbing at the Steinplatte